Find a clinician to work with in the Lane 9 Directory

You have symptoms of REDs, need support with fueling adequately for your sport, and you deserve a provider who specializes in care for menstruating athletes.
You're in the right place! Fill out the brief form below, and we'll match you with a Lane 9 provider.

MATCH with a Clinician

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Athletes have unique needs when it comes to medical, nutrition, and physical care. Female athletes deserve a practitioner who knows what they need.

So Lane 9 has built a directory filled with providers across the US (and abroad!) who specialize in female athlete care.

They are experts in menstrual health, mental health, nutrition, and physical care unique to the female body. In the Lane 9 Directory you'll find physicians, psychologists, physical therapists, dietitians, coaches, and more.

Our clinicians are ready to keep you healthy, regular, and strong.


Build your care team.

Whether you're looking for ongoing support with nutrition, medical, therapeutic and/or physical care as an athlete, or you're building a REDs, Eating Disorder, and/or Menstrual health support team, you'll find your unique care team in the Lane 9 Directory. We have multi-disciplinary providers who work with female-bodied athletes all over the country and abroad.

Fill out this brief form, and our team will match you with a right-fit provider from the Lane 9 Directory.

Get in touch with our team if you have any questions about the Directory, Membership, or Lane 9 offerings for female athletes.

Check your inbox for next steps on how to get in touch with the Lane 9 team, join our Directory and Membership, and connect with Lane 9 athletes!

Join our Provider Newsletter (see below)! We share upcoming events, resources, and next steps on how to get your services into the Lane 9 Directory!

Are you a clinician? 

lane 9 directory

Join us in the

Oh, you're ready to join? You're in the right place, and we'd love to connect you with athletes from the Lane 9 community. You'll be in company with fellow clinicians like Dietitians, DPTs, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, NPs, and Sports Med providers.
Fill out our Directory application by clicking the button below, and our team will be in touch shortly with next steps.